SurgiSurvey maintains a prospective data registry for 22+ hand surgeons. The following data is real-time updated every 15 minutes and reflects the current aggregated results.

The system continuously enrolls and summarizes results. The current number of enrolled patients is shown here:

Response rates range from 35-52% at a given time point for all patients with email. Up to 67% of patients complete at least one assessment, and 19% complete all 5 assessments.

Outcomes are collected as Quick-DASH scores, ranging from 0-100, where 0 is “no disability” and 100 is “unable to complete” for all tasks. The population average is a score of 15. Data can be analyzed by different variables. This chart reports summarized data for all surgeons, sorted by both Work Comp and Non-Work Comp patients.

Outcomes can also be sorted by surgeon factors. Here are the aggregated results for all 8 surgeons. The same can be done for regions, practices, or other patient and surgeon variables.

Valuable outcome data is collected beyond QDASH scores. Return to work data is collected and can similarly be sorted by insurance type (work comp vs. private), diagnosis type, surgeon, etc.

One of the most important questions used to assess patient satisfaction is to ask “Would you have the same surgery again?” Once again outcomes are collected and aggregated and can be easily compared between diagnoses, surgeons, or specific surgery techniques.

The registry can also be used to provide valuable information to patients include their expected recovery time. Recovery curves can be created either for a group of diagnoses, or for specific diagnoses, both show below:

SurgiSurvey is growing! If you are interested in collecting patient outcomes, email us at “hello” [at]